
This site is a local county site for the ALGenWeb Project, a state project of the USGenWeb Project. USGenWeb is composed of a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.

Submit your Clarke County Queries

Archived Queries

Alabama Archives Site -- Be sure to visit this site for records that have been transcribed for the entire State of Alabama! 

Clarke County files from the USGenWeb Archives Project - Many transcribed records for Clarke County. Try the search engine.

Clarke County Surnames

Clarke County Mailing List

If you have ancestors who lived in the county, you can now join with others who have families in the area on the ALCLARKE-L discussion list. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Clarke County, Alabama or any adjacent territory once a part of Clarke county. Researchers for Choctaw, Marengo, Monroe, Washington and Wilcox Counties are invited to add their postings. For details, just go to the mailing list page for "how to join" information.

Adjacent counties

County Coordinator

This site is maintained by C. Creighton. You may contact me through the contact form on this site.

Page last updated: 2023-11-26 16:03:45 PST

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Clarke County, Alabama

Clarke County, Alabama

Clarke County is a county of the U.S. state of Alabama. The county was created by the legislature of the Mississippi Territory in 1812. It is named in honor of General John Clarke of Georgia, who was later elected governor of that state.

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The USGenWeb Project


The ALGenWeb Project